
Play based learning 4 chicks 4 moms

Thanksgiving – Day 1

Iʻm not going to have the chicks the week of Thanksgiving so I did my Thanksgiving lesson today.  Since I was first, we read about the first Thanksgiving, simplified.  We mostly focused on the fact that the pilgrims had to build and plant.  There were no stores.  It was very hard.  They became friends with the Native Americans that were living there and the Native Americans helped  them learn how to grow food in this new land.  We talked about how important corn was to them.  I showed them popcorn and then corn meal.IMG_9223What Thanksgiving lesson would be complete without paper pilgrim bonnets?IMG_9225We used the cornmeal to make cornbread.  It was probably more authentic than we wanted it to be.  The corn meal was pretty coarse.  IMG_9228 IMG_9232Next we did a little math lesson with candy corn M & Mʻs.  I put some on each of the chicksʻ plates and we did some simple adding.  Then they sorted for a little while.  Lastly, they made their own patterns.  Weʻre still working on this.  Itʻs even harder when every other one goes into your mouth.IMG_9233 IMG_9234 IMG_9241Lunch was pears, cornbread, and ham.  Pooh had oranges.

IMG_9243After lunch the chicks had some free play time so they were in Halʻs room.   Hal was swinging Uniquaʻs foam sword around and accidentally hit Pooh.  Pooh fell apart.  She was very upset.  Hal tried to console her, but I think that the blow was such a shock that she was unconsolable.  Hal was getting desperate so she offered to sing her a Snow White song. (Pooh loves Snow White).  Hal starts to sing to the tune of Once there was a Snowman. “Once there was a Snow White, Snow White, Snow White.  Once there was a snowman…” Then she went off into her own freestyle.  I think Pooh was intrigued because she stopped crying.