
Play based learning 4 chicks 4 moms

Laundry-Day 1

on January 21, 2013

This theme was my pick!  I thought about books like Mrs McNosh and Mrs Wishy Washy and thought it would be a fun theme.  As we got closer I had a hard time thinking of ways to do laundry that wouldn’t seem like I was just having them wash and fold my clothes.  IMG_3354 IMG_3355

I read Mrs McNosh Hangs up the Wash.  The chicks liked the rhyming and silliness.  I got white wash cloths and had the chicks draw on them with washable markers.  I put out a bin of soapy water and one with clean water and had them wash their rag till all the color came out and then rinse it.IMG_3357

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Next they hung it up on a little clothes line.  I was happy the weather was nice and then since we were outside they just ran away and played after hanging their wash.IMG_3361 IMG_3362 IMG_3363


My baby was pretty fussy so I ended up holding her a lot and didn’t get to really do it with them.  My oldest didn’t have school and she was very excited to be my “assistant.”  She helped the little chicks with the close pins.

For lunch I was doing open-faced tuna melts.  They all came in and wanted to help so they put the cheese on.  None of them would eat it when it was time for lunch!  I guess that was more about the process.

After lunch they went to play in the play room.  I put all the princess dresses in a box before they came over.  I showed them a hanger and had them put it on a hanger and hang it up at least once before they could put it on.  They were not too happy about it, but now I can tell them to hang up the dresses at the end of Girls Club every time!

2 responses to “Laundry-Day 1

  1. emmie says:

    Oh gosh I love this one!

  2. sharearead says:

    Clever idea! I wondered where the princess dresses were.

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